ジャスティン モリス
Justin Morris
こんにちは、ジャスティン モリスです。オーストラリアのタスマニアにいますが今は冬でとても寒いです。東京オリンピックではポーランド代表のマテウシュ ルーディック選手に感動しました。1型糖尿病とともにトラックレースで闘う姿はとてもかっこよかったです。
初めて診断されたころ、私は1型糖尿病の陰に隠れて生活していました。オーストラリアの有名なラグビー選手スティーブ レヌーフを知るまでは。糖尿病のことを人に話したくなかったし、恥ずかしさを感じていました。彼は1型糖尿病とともに生き、1型糖尿病を持っていることを誇りに思っていました。1型糖尿病について記事を書いたり、テレビで話したりしていました。私は彼の姿に感動し、それからは糖尿病であることを隠すのを止めました。彼のおかげで糖尿病を持つことを隠す代わりに、人に打ち明け誇りに思うようになりました。
糖尿病とともに生きていることを人に打ち明けるようになってから、糖尿病コミュニティの輪がどんどん大きくなっていくのがわかりました。助けてくれる友だちや家族が増えました。糖尿病コミュニティで手を差し伸べてくれる人も増えました。そしてついには、チーム ノボ ノルディスクと出会いました。そのおかげで糖尿病とともに生きる人生は、以前よりも充実したものになりました。私の人生は1型糖尿病の陰から脱却して光に包まれるようになったのです。
Konnichiwa. It's Justin Morris here again.I'm in Tasmania, in Australia, where it is very samui because it's cold, wintertime at the moment. We've been very grateful to watch the Tokyo Olympic Games happening at the moment, and it's very inspirational to see Mateusz Rudyk from Poland. He was racing in the track cycling with type one diabetes which is very cool.
I wanted to chat about something during this video today that is very important to me and has enabled a lot of the cool things in my diabetes life. Today, I want to talk about having the yuki to be proud about living with type one diabetes, instead of being sad or embarrassed. I remember when I was first diagnosed, I was very scared, ashamed and embarrassed about living with my type one diabetes. But something happened, where I gained the yuki to no longer be scared of my condition. I want to talk about three things that can help give you the yuki to make the most of living with your type one diabetes.
When I was first diagnosed, I was living life in the shadows of type one diabetes. I didn't want to tell people about it. I was very ashamed about my condition, until I found out about a famous rugby player in Australia named, Steve Renouf. Steve Renouf lived with type one diabetes, and he was proud to have type one diabetes. He used to write about it. He used to tell stories about it on television, and he was the one that inspired me to no longer keep my diabetes hidden. He inspired me to tell people about it and be proud of my condition, instead of embarrassed or ashamed.
After I'd been inspired to start telling people about my diabetes life, I found that my diabetes team was getting bigger and bigger and bigger. More friends wanted to help me. More of my family wanted to help me. I found more people in the diabetes community wanting to give me assistance. And I eventually found out about my team, Team Novo Nordisk who helped make my diabetes life a much bigger success than it was before. My life was now coming out of the shadow of type one diabetes and into the light.
After I was inspired to tell people that I live with diabetes, I found out that my diabetes team was now getting bigger, and I also discovered that I was actually helping to inspire other people with type one diabetes. When you tell people that you live with type one diabetes, and then you pursue your life in whatever it may be; sports, education, music, technology, you are an inspiration to other people who live with this condition. So, getting a role model, to help inspire you to find that yuki to tell people that you live with diabetes is the number one point for today. The second point is that once you tell people that you live with type one diabetes, your diabetes team gets bigger. And the third point is, once you've told people, that team gets bigger, and you're now inspiring other people in the diabetes team, the diabetes community.
So next time, you're maybe worried about injecting in public, worried about checking your blood sugar in public or worried about telling someone that you live with diabetes, remember, that's part of the journey of coming out of the shadows of type one diabetes and into the light. Find that yuki.
Twitter: @JustinMorrisTT1
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-morris-3a71b4a7/www.mindmatterscoach.com