ジャスティン モリス
Justin Morris
こんにちは。ジャスティン モリスです。今回も「糖尿病とともに生きるブログ」をお届けします。妻のモーガンの故郷である米国のミシガン州にいます。ほんの数週間前、私たち夫婦に第一子が誕生しました。とても幸せです。
今後オーストラリアでは、1型糖尿病を持つ人々は持続血糖測定 (CGM) を利用できるようになります。これまで1型糖尿病を持つ人々にとって、CGM機器はとても高価なものでした。しかし、オーストラリアの患者支援団体とオーストラリア政府の支援により、今後は誰もが利用できるようになります。患者支援団体は、1型糖尿病を持つ人々の生活を支える重要な役割を担っています。
「College Diabetes Network」という団体は、大学に通う若い糖尿病のある方が1型糖尿病を持ちながらも、大学での経験を最大限に生かすための支援に取り組み、集会などを開催しています。またその他にも、学業や運動のサポートプログラムなどを通じ、糖尿病を持ちながらも人生を最大限に楽しむ方法を学ぶための支援を行っています。先日私は、同団体が主催したオンラインウェビナーで、1型糖尿病を持つ大学生のアスリートを対象とした講演を行いました。彼らの取り組みは良い方向に進んでいます。
- CGM機器がオーストラリア人の1型糖尿病を持つ全ての人に助成されるようになった
- この変更は患者支援団体 (PSOs) から政府への働きかけの結果
- PSOs
: 糖尿病のある方の生活向上のために意欲的に活動する団体
- 糖尿病のある方の支援団体は通常、糖尿病のある方を支援する非営利団体
- 米国の患者支援団体は、糖尿病のある方が必要とする支援やチャンスを広げる支援をしている
- 個人よりも団体での活動がより重要であると考えられている
- 糖尿病のある方が助けを必要としていることは?その問題を支援するためのグループが創設される機会になるかもしれない
- 患者支援団体は、人々を助けるという使命を果たすためにボランティアを必要としている
- 政治家とコミュニケーションをとることは、変化を起こす最も効果的な方法であることが多い
Konnichiwa. It's Justin Morris here with another episode of the Diabetes Insight Vlog. I am here in Michigan, in the USA, which is the hometown of my wife, Morgan. We are just a few weeks away from the birth of our first child, which is very, very exciting.
Another thing that's happening here in Michigan is the weather is warming up. The winter was extremely difficult. I must admit, it played a big role on the mood of both myself and my wife. It's very hard to see the good things in life when the weather is so bad outside. We are very happy that the weather is improving, the sun's coming out more, the temperature is coming up. There is actually a link between your feeling, your emotions, your mood, and the weather outside. It's extremely difficult to see the good things when the weather is so bad. Now, it's getting better. We are starting to feel a bit more happy and a bit more encouraged about what's to come ahead.
On that note, I have heard some very exciting and positive news out of Australia recently.
Now, people who live with type 1 diabetes in Australia will have access to a continuous glucose monitor. Previously, this has been prohibitively expensive for most people that live with the condition. But now, we will all have access, thanks to the support of the amazing patient support organizations we have in Australia, and the Australian Government. The patient support organizations are an integral part of enabling life for people with type 1 diabetes.
In Australia, we are very, very lucky. We have these amazing, mainly charity and volunteer-driven organizations that lobby the government so that we have access to resources like continuous glucose monitors. This has been a long process. It has taken a lot of dedication and a lot of time and a lot of extremely intense passion from the people involved. But now, it will have life changing effects for many people, including myself who live with type 1 diabetes. With CGM technology, we will be able to much more accurately and consistently manage our blood sugar levels.
This news from Australia encouraged me to seek out some of the patient support organizations here in the USA. The USA has a very complicated system of support for people with diabetes. Many people struggle with the cost of the insulin, let alone CGMs. There's a lot of work that needs to be done in this country to help the people who live with the condition that I have. Subsequently, I found some really, really encouraging and inspiring organizations who are trying their best to try to help the people that live with diabetes. They are making good ground.
An organization here called the College Diabetes Network helps young people live with diabetes, who are going to university, to seek out support and try to make the most out of their university experience despite having type 1 diabetes. They offer things like community meetups. They offer other things like academic and athletic support programs to help people understand how to make the most of their life despite diabetes. I spoke at a webinar they had online last week, that specifically targeted college athletes who have type 1 diabetes. They are making some good ground.
I hope that one day here in the USA, there is the type of support that people like myself get back in Australia. There's a lot of work to do. But these patient support organizations, I can't emphasize enough how important their work is. They really are spearheading. They are leading the charge as far as improving the life for everyone with this condition.
I read a quote the other day that made me think about these diabetes patient support organizations. It read, "Do not think that a small group of likeminded individuals cannot change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." A lot of the positive changes, not just in the diabetes world, but in the world in general, have been the result of a group of dedicated, passionate, likeminded people who get together and work together towards a common goal.
What does this mean for your life in diabetes in Japan? If there is a gap, if there is something that you see, that you think is not being done properly, and could have been done better, then it could be up to you to engage with either your existing patient support organization, or maybe it is a possibility for you to create your own, be the catalyst for change, by helping create these patient support organizations.
These are really a lot of the great things that have happened in the diabetes world have been the result of organizations like this, a lot of the research, a lot of like I mentioned in Australia, the lobbying to government, so we have access to the things we need to be healthy and alive with diabetes, have been the result of these often volunteer charity organizations who really fight to make the life as best as they possibly can for us with diabetes.
Thanks for tuning in. Remember, if you see a gap, if you see something that needs to be done, then maybe it can be up to you to get involved with an organization or maybe start your own. I have seen people do it. I haven't done it myself, but I have seen people do it and how this had amazing effects for people with diabetes. We are a team and when we work together, we achieve the best results.
Twitter: @JustinMorrisTT1
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-morris-3a71b4a7/www.mindmatterscoach.com