ジャスティン モリス
Justin Morris
*本動画はジャスティン モリスさんの個人的な体験に基づくもので、個人的な見解や感想を述べています。全ての糖尿病のある方を代表するものではありません。
こんにちは、ジャスティン モリスです。「糖尿病とともに生きるブログ」をお届けします。
そこで私はジョナス ブラザーズという米国の有名なポップバンドの一員であり、素敵な歌を歌うニック・ジョナスの話をしました。
Type 1」というグループを立ち上げました。
彼はオランダで有名な選手であり、バス ファンデホール財団まで設立し、1型糖尿病がありながらもスポーツができる、ということを世の中に伝えています。その活動は世界中の多くの若者に勇気を与え、糖尿病があっても夢を妨げられることはない、ということを教えています。
水泳競技には、ゲーリー ホール ジュニアという特別な人物がいます。
ゲーリー ホール ジュニアは、高いレベルでの競技を続けながら、1型糖尿病の課題に対処することに関する多くの講演を行っています。
岡山は桃の産地で有名な場所です。岡山では特別な学校で開催されたサマーキャンプに参加しました。私の記憶によれば、その学校は日本で2番目に古いものであり、はるか昔には儒教など 興味深い学問を教えていたそうです。そこで1型糖尿病とともに生きる若者向けのサマーキャンプが開催されていました。
1型糖尿病をもつ歌手:ジョナス ブラザーズ
1型糖尿病をもつ野球選手:岩田稔 (日本、阪神タイガース)
1型糖尿病をもつバレーボール選手:バス ファンデホール (オランダ、オリンピック金メダリスト)
1型糖尿病をもつ水泳選手:ゲーリー ホール ジュニア (アメリカ合衆国、5回の金メダリスト)
1型糖尿病をもつパイロット:ジェレミー ロバートソン博士 (オーストラリア、カンタス航空)
Konnichiwa. It's Justin Morris here again with another episode of
the Diabetes Inside vlog.
Now, last episode, I was talking a
bit about the differences between living with type 1 diabetes between
Japan and Australia.
Lucky me, I am just on my way back from a 2-week trip in Japan where
I got to travel around the country, visiting different summer camps
for children with type 1 diabetes.
On this trip, it really
highlighted to me some of the issues that young people with type 1
diabetes have to deal with in Japan. One of the biggest ones, I think,
is people are not so aware of what is possible despite their challenge
of type 1 diabetes.
Across each of these summer camps I
visited, at each one, I got to meet a young person who had a real
special dream, and I was lucky to be able to inform them of an example
of someone who had achieved that dream before.
Stay tuned, I
want to take you around the country and go through some of the role
models of people who live with the challenge of type 1 diabetes.
The first summer camp I visited was in the beautiful port city of
Kobe, just south of Tokyo, and in the mountains, inland from Kobe, in
Hyogo Prefecture, we visited this really beautiful summer camp, it was
up in the mountains.
And at this summer camp, I met a young
boy, and he said his dream was to be a singer, and he did not know
whether it would be possible with type 1 diabetes.
I got to
share the story about Nick Jonas, who is one of the Jonas Brothers, a
very famous American pop band, who sing cool songs.
And Nick
Jonas also lives with the challenge of type 1 diabetes, and as well as
being a very famous pop star, he also started a support group for
people with type 1 diabetes called Beyond Type 1.
From Kobe, we traveled back north and closer to Tokyo in the Chiba
We did a summer camp very close to a beach called
Sammu. A beautiful long beach, it was amazing. A very warm day,
At this camp, I met a young girl who loved baseball,
and she used to watch the Japanese baseball tournaments, watch the
major league baseball tournaments in America, and think that was so
I got to share the story about a Japanese baseball player
called Minoru Iwata. He played for the Hanshin Tigers and also lived
with type 1 diabetes.
In the USA, some of the professional
baseball players in the major league baseball competition also have
type 1 diabetes. Despite the challenge of type 1 diabetes, playing
professional baseball need not hold you back.
Again, on the coast, in the beautiful island of Kyushu, Southern
Japan, there is this beautiful town called Miyazaki.
has some stunning coastline. I believe there is some famous surfing
there. There was some really fancy seafood there that we got to
At the summer camp in Miyazaki, I met a young girl and
her mother. She was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and had
for a long time been playing volleyball.
She found that the
diagnosis of type 1 diabetes had meant she couldn't attend the
training properly, she was missing games, would often have to come off
the court to manage her type 1 diabetes. It was really impacting her
performance on the volleyball court.
I got to share with her a
special story about a Dutch volleyball player. His name is Bas van de
He won a gold medal at the Olympic Games in the sport of
volleyball after he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
He is
very, very famous in the country of the Netherlands, and he has
actually made a foundation called the Bas van de Goor Foundation to
promote living with type 1 diabetes and being able to do sport at the
same time.
It inspires a lot of young people in his country
and the rest of the world that diabetes need not hold you back from
pursuing whatever it may be.
From Miyazaki, we traveled north through Kyushu, through another
city called Oita, which is very famous for its thermal hot
I didn't get to visit the hot springs this time, but
I did go to another cool summer camp in the mountains behind
At the Oita summer camp, I met a young girl who had been
swimming, and she had this really cool dream to be an Olympic swimmer,
but like the girl with volleyball was feeling like the diabetes was
holding her back from being able to be her best at swimming.
Well, in the sport of swimming, there is a special guy whose name is
Gary Hall Jr.
He won five Olympic gold medals, and the whole
time during his professional swimming career, he lived with the
challenge of type 1 diabetes.
Since he finished his swimming
career, he actually went on to become a doctor, and he is now an
orthopedic surgeon, and of course, still lives with the challenge of
type 1 diabetes.
Gary Hall Jr. often speaks about competing at
a high level and dealing with the challenge of type 1 diabetes.
From Oita, we went back north to the Island of Honshu and the City
of Okayama.
Okayama is very famous for farming peaches. In
Okayama, I got to attend another summer camp, which was at a very
special school.
It was, I believe, the second oldest school in
Japan, which used to teach Confucius and some other really interesting
studies many, many years ago.
But on this day, it was host to
a summer camp for young people with type 1 diabetes, and at this
summer camp, I met a young boy who was about eight years old and his
dream, like mine when I was that age, was to be a pilot, and he was
unsure of course about the regulations and whether it would be
possible with type 1 diabetes to be a pilot.
There is a guy in
Australia and his name is Dr. Jeremy Robertson. He was a pilot for
the Australian airline called Qantas. Whilst he was a pilot, he was
diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Qantas took away his ability to be a
pilot and said, "Unfortunately, we can't let you fly with type 1
Dr. Jeremy Robertson then thought, "This
does not have to be the case. I can manage my diabetes. I have
continuous glucose monitoring."
He pursued a career in
medicine, became a doctor in medicine, and then went back to Qantas to
prove it was possible to be a type 1 diabetic and a pilot.
did all kinds of tests, all kinds of research, and he is now a pilot
with Australia's largest airline and deals with type 1
He has since inspired two other pilots in Australia,
who are also commercial airline pilots, who live with type 1 diabetes.
I hope some of these stories have helped inspire your life with type 1 diabetes to prove that it doesn't matter if you want to pursue sports, it doesn't matter if you want to pursue being a pilot, a singer, a musician, a politician, whatever it may be, there is now an example in almost any industry of someone achieving great things despite the challenge of type 1 diabetes.
Because type 1 diabetes after all, it is that challenge, but it's not a barrier.
[Text 1]
2024 Summer Camp Tour of Japan
[Text 2]
Singers with T1D: Jonas Brothers, USA
[Text 3]
Baseball Players with T1D: Minoru
Iwata, Japan, Hanshin Tigers
[Text 4]
Volleyball Players with T1D:
Bas Van Der Goor, Netherlands Olympic gold
[Text 5]
Swimmers with T1D: Gary Hall Jr, USA,
5×Olympic gold
[Text 6]
Pilots with T1D: Dr Jeremy
Robertson, Australia, Quantas Airway
Twitter: @JustinMorrisTT1
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-morris-3a71b4a7/www.mindmatterscoach.com