ジャスティン モリス
Justin Morris
*本動画はジャスティン モリスさんの個人的な体験に基づくもので、個人的な見解や感想を述べています。全ての糖尿病のある方を代表するものではありません。
こんにちは。ジャスティン モリスです。「糖尿病とともに生きるブログ」をお届けします。
今月私はスペインのアルテアにいます。ここではチーム ノボ ノルディスクが2025年シーズンに向けプロ選手全員参加のトレーニングキャンプをしています。トレーニングキャンプでは選手たちが集まり、チームビルディングの練習やチームやスタッフについて学んでいます。全員が互いに顔を合わせ、スペイン南部の丘陵地にあるこの場所で充実したトレーニングを行っています。
チーム ノボ ノルディスクには個性豊かな20人のアスリートがいます。そしてその全員が1型糖尿病とともに生きています。この20人のアスリートは診断を受けた際、それぞれに異なる課題に直面しました。そして血糖値に気を配り、管理する方法も20人それぞれに異なっていたのです。
そして来年、チーム ノボ ノルディスクには新たに5人の選手が加わります。そのひとりがオーストラリア出身のベイリー
それから彼はジェットコースターのような日々を過ごしました。しかし、その道の先には希望の光が待っていました。彼はチーム ノボ ノルディスクとの2年契約を勝ち取ったのです。
今回のトレーニングキャンプで行っているのは走行練習や共同ワークショップだけではありません。キャンプの一環としてスポンサーであるノボ ノルディスクから35人の社員が派遣され、2日間にわたって私たちとともにサイクリングを行い、プロのアスリートのトレーニングキャンプを経験しました。
ノボ ノルディスクのスポンサーであり、パートナーであるノボ ノルディスクからのサポートがなければこの若者たちが夢を実現することは不可能だということです。
もしソーシャルメディアでチーム ノボ ノルディスクを見かけたら、ぜひメッセージを送ってください。そして世界中を巡りながら自転車レースに参加している選手たちに勇気を与えてください。
Konnichiwa. Justin Morris here with another episode of the
Diabetes Insight blog.
This month I'm in Altea, Spain, where
Team Novo Nordisk are holding their 2025 training camp for all the pro
riders. At a training camp, the riders get together, do some
team-building exercises, and learn about the team and the
staff. Everyone gets to meet each other, and they do some beautiful
training here in the hills in Southern Spain.
Now, we've learned a few things this week at the training camp, and I wanted to share some of those things with you.
On Team Novo Nordisk, we have 20 different athletes, and all of these athletes live with type 1 diabetes. Of these 20 athletes, we got 20 different challenges that people have had to overcome, especially at the time of diagnosis, and also 20 different management styles of how people look after their blood sugar levels.
Now, next year, there'll be five brand new riders on Team Novo
Nordisk and one of which is a fellow Australian named Bailey
Bailey is a very high-level cyclist in Australia, and
he was racing in New Zealand in just January this year when he was
struggling, struggling, getting dropped off the back of the race and
he could not work out what was wrong with his body.
Why was he
suffering so much in the races when he was normally up the front? He
was taken to hospital and diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. His journey
since then has been an absolute roller coaster. But there was a
silver lining at the end of the path and that was achieving a contract
here on Team Novo Nordisk for the next 2 years.
So we're stoked to have individuals like Bailey and many others who
are on this team for next year. That's providing opportunities for
young people who have a huge challenge in their lives to live their
dream to be professional athletes.
As part of this training
camp, as well as riding and doing workshops together, we've had our
sponsor, Novo Nordisk, send 35 different employees to join us for 2
days of cycling and experiencing the life of a professional athlete
training camp.
Now, on these two days, it really emphasized something to everyone on the team and that is how important it is to have support on your journey with type 1 diabetes.
As I mentioned, everyone's challenge is different, but one common
theme in everyone's challenge is that they've needed support, whether
it be from friends, from family, from local community groups.
One thing for Team Novo Nordisk, without the support of our sponsor,
our partner, Novo Nordisk, for enabling these young people live their
dreams, would not be possible.
Back here at the hotel, we heard about some of the stories from
racing around the world this year.
One particular race, young
Hamish Beadle from New Zealand, he scored a third-place finish in a
very big, very famous professional race. In front of him was the world
champion of cycling. And we heard about what went into the
ingredients to make results like this. And Hamish asserted that it was
all about the team. In cycling, it's a team sport, you need other
teammates to help put you in the right position to help get a
His result was a big dream for him to stand on the
podium at a big international professional race, but it was not
possible without the team. Without a team, you got no dream.
A cycling team comprises up of not just riders, but also bicycle
mechanics, team massage therapists, office staff, logistics staff,
team coaches, team race directors, and also, very importantly, team
Some of the riders who had good results this year, they
said one of the biggest factors behind their results was receiving
messages from team supporters – other people with diabetes all around
the world, especially.
Getting some messages on social media or on email or other channels that the Team Novo Nordisk has available was really a big factor in enabling the success and inspiration of the riders.
So if you do see Team Novo Nordisk on social media, be sure to send them a message and encourage them on their journey, racing the bikes around the world.
Twitter: @JustinMorrisTT1
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-morris-3a71b4a7/www.mindmatterscoach.com