ジャスティン モリス
Justin Morris
こんにちは。ジャスティン モリスです。今回も「糖尿病とともに生きるブログ」をお届けします。まず初めに、今回私の生活が大きく変わりました。オーストラリアのタスマニアを離れ、妻のモーガンとアメリカ中部のトラバースシティに移住しました。カナダの国境から2時間ほどの街で、とても寒いです。生活する場所が変わり何かと大変で、人生の大きな節目を迎えています。
困難には肉体的なものと精神的なものがあります。人生の節目で経験する肉体的な困難には、食生活の変化、気候の変化、交友関係の変化などがあります。しかし もっと大変なのは、人生の節目で直面する精神的な困難でしょう。そういった精神的な困難は、ときにつらく乗り越えるのが難しいものですが、立ち向かってみましょう。それらはチャレンジであり、障壁ではないからです。
- 食べ物・食生活の変化
- 気候への順応
- 新しい場所・時間帯での血糖値の管理
- 養生法の乱れ
- 交友関係・サポートネットワークの変化
- 文化・言語の変化
- 新しい場所での充実感・安定感の確立
- 社会的、環境的な世界の新しい発見
- 世界動向の理解を深める
- 挑戦するとき、節目のときこそ自己成長できる
Konnichiwa. It's Justin Morris here again with another episode of The Diabetes Insight Blog. In this episode, my life has changed very much. No longer am I in Tasmania, in Australia, but with my wife, Morgan, we have moved here to a town called Traverse City, which is in the middle of the USA, about two hours from the Canadian border. It is very, very cold, samui. Subsequently, moving our life here has been quite challenging, and a big transition in our lives.
Transitions happen in everyone's life at some point. Of course, as is affected by everything in our life, our diabetes gets challenged in many different ways. Since moving here, the weather has been tremendously different. I have gone from 25 degrees Celsius summertime in the sun to 25 degrees below zero in the ice and the snow. The food in the USA is very different to what we have in Australia. This can affect my blood sugar levels. Just the lifestyle itself is very different, mainly because of the weather, from what I was doing in Australia.
It has been a challenge, both mentally and physically. But when you have that transition in life, there's always these mental and physical challenges. But we need to remind ourselves there's also some excitement.
In this episode, I am going to talk about those three things – mental challenges, physical challenges, and the things to be excited about, when we face a transition in life.
The challenges in a transition can be both physical and mental. Those physical challenges, some of which I mentioned before, can include things like the change in the diet, the change in the food, the change in the climate, the change in the friendships that you might have when you go through a transition in life. But also, and perhaps more challenging, is the mental challenges you may face when you encounter a transition in life. Those mental challenges can be sometimes more painful and harder to overcome, but digest that. They are challenges, not barriers.
Probably, the most painful mental challenge of a transition in life is questioning what your purpose and your role is. Sometimes when you move somewhere new or you start experiencing something new, your purpose or your role can change in life. That's okay. But you must be patient. Like we chatted about in the last blog, being patient is sometimes the most important part of overcoming a challenge.
Here, coming to the USA, my life has changed a lot. The things I did day-to-day back home in Australia have changed, the people I worked with day-to-day have changed, the types of works that I was doing has changed. But I know that I still have a role, I still have a purpose in life. I just have to have some patience because it might change a bit with the other aspects of my life.
As well as those physical and mental challenges that can accompany a transition in life, there are also things to look forward to, things to be excited about. My wife Morgan and I have something very exciting to look forward to in life, and that is the birth of our new baby boy who is arriving in just two months from now. The next time we speak, I'll have some even more exciting news to share.
But throughout this whole transition, of course, we have experienced those inevitable physical and mental challenges. But I really want to emphasize to you all that no matter how hard those challenges are, there can always be this glimmer of hope, this potential for excitement, potential for something to look forward to in life. Whether it's a new job, a new place you are living, maybe a new relationship you are into, there are always challenges, but they can also always be that thing to look forward to, that thing to be excited about.
Throughout all these transitional experiences in life, diabetes can add an extra challenge that sometimes we don't know if we are going to overcome. But your diabetes will adapt. It is, of course, a struggle when it first happens. But my diabetes has adapted to this new place, to this new location. Throughout all the transitions I have been through in life, diabetes, of course, is always with me. It has adapted. Although it's been challenging, it's been able to adapt to a new situation.
I encourage you all to get out there, experience whatever transition might be waiting for you because it's during those transitions that you experience the most growth in life. I look forward to sharing some new exciting news with you very soon.
Twitter: @JustinMorrisTT1
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-morris-3a71b4a7/www.mindmatterscoach.com