ジャスティン モリス
Justin Morris
*本動画はジャスティン モリスさんの個人的な体験に基づくもので、個人的な見解や感想を述べています。全ての糖尿病のある方を代表するものではありません。
こんにちは。ジャスティン モリスです。今回も「糖尿病とともに生きるブログ」をお届けします。米国ミシガン州では、ようやくサマータイムに変わり過ごしやすい良い天候になりました。しかしもうひとつ、私と妻モーガンの生活に大きな喜びを与えてくれたのは、この子の誕生です。男の子で、名前はブルーニーです。5月に生まれ、とても陽気で元気にすくすく育ってくれています。1型糖尿病を持ちながら親になった私は、変化の時を迎えています。特にあなたが母親であるならば、1型糖尿病を持っていなければ考える必要がないことについて、考える必要があります。
- 食事の時間や量を一定に保つようにする
- 雑用や後回しにできる仕事よりも睡眠を優先する
- 睡眠は気分と健康を向上させる
- 睡眠不足では血糖値の管理は難しくなる
- 深呼吸をする
- セルフケアが大切 可能な限り自分のための時間をとる
- 軽い運動はストレスの対処に役立つ
- 医療従事者と治療について話してみる
Good day. It is Justin Morris here with another episode of the Diabetes Insight Blog for you. It is now finally summer-time here in Michigan, in the USA, so we can enjoy some nice weather. But the other thing that has been very joyful in my life and my wife Morgan’s life is this guy, his name is Bruny. We welcomed him into the world in May, and he is a happy, healthy, and growing young boy. Becoming a parent with Type 1 Diabetes is a period of transition. Here is a lot of extra things to think about that people without Type 1 Diabetes may not have to think about especially if you are the mother.
There are a couple of things that I think are very important and have been an influence on my life as a parent with Type 1 Diabetes that I want to chat to you about. Number 1 is sleep and how can we get the most of it, and how it affects our blood sugar levels, and number 2 is stress. It affects our blood sugar levels whether we are a parent or not a parent, and I think there are some things that we can do that can help it have a little amount of effect on our blood sugar levels as possible.
Having been an athlete for many years, I thought I knew all about fatigue and what it meant to be tired. But nothing has prepared me for being a parent that is a new level of tiredness, fatigue, exhaustion. Now, these things of course can affect our diabetes management. There are a few things that I have found that have been helpful in helping stabilize my blood sugar levels. One thing is trying to keep my meals consistent despite the erratic sleep I might be having. One thing I can control is my mealtimes and my meal sizes, so I have been trying to control those and keep them consistent which aids in stabilizing my blood sugar levels when my sleep is very erratic.
Another thing I have found to be very helpful is trying to prioritize sleep. Sometimes, life gets in the way with busy work schedule and of course, the number 1 priority is a baby. But sleep needs to be put in front of some other things maybe cleaning dishes and things like this. I have been trying to for me and my wife to prioritize sleep because sleep affects everything in life. One of those things it affects of course is our blood sugar levels, but also our mood and when our mood is low, everything else suffers with it including our blood sugar levels. If we can help bring our mood up with more sleep, then it just makes everything else in life that little bit easier. Being a parent, definitely not easy, but very rewarding and it is more enjoyable with a positive mood.
Stress has become somewhat of a norm in the 21st century and inevitably accompanies becoming a parent. It is also a factor that has ramifications on our blood sugar levels. Being good at managing our stress can also help manage our blood sugar levels. I have found this personally over the past few weeks with becoming a parent and a few of the strategies I have employed to try to help lower my stress and subsequently help managing my blood sugar levels I would like to share with you.
Deep breathing can help lower the heart rate and keep us in a more relaxed state of mind. Breathe in for 4 seconds, deep, hold for 4 seconds, then breathe out for 4 seconds. I find this to be helpful. But also, there are some other things that I do, and I can encourage other people to do to help manage their stress. Self-care is important for some people. They like to get a haircut; some people a massage, anything that makes you feel good and helps you feel a little more relaxed.
Also, something that I believe deeply in is exercise and light exercise can help boost the mood and help lessen the anxiety and the stress. If you can just work a little bit of exercise, it doesn’t have to be intense or difficult; just some movement can help with managing your stress and subsequently your blood sugar levels. But most importantly, it has to work for you and that is why it is important that you speak to your own healthcare provider or your own doctor, someone who knows you personally to work out what techniques may work best for you in managing stress and managing your blood sugar levels.
After all, being a parent is perhaps or definitely the most crucial part of existence and it can be very fun. And it is another thing that where diabetes need not hold us back. It may make a little more challenging for us, but diabetes will never hold you back from being a great parent and having fun in the process.
Twitter: @JustinMorrisTT1
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-morris-3a71b4a7/www.mindmatterscoach.com