ジャスティン モリス
Justin Morris
*本動画はジャスティン モリスさんの個人的な体験に基づくもので、個人的な見解や感想を述べています。全ての糖尿病のある方を代表するものではありません。
こんにちは。チーム ノボ ノルディスクのジャスティン モリスです。今回は、私が米国で挑んだチャレンジについてお話ししたいと思います。
先月私は、「Leadville Trail 100 MTB (マウンテンバイクレース) 」に出場しました。このレースはおそらく、世界で最も難しいマウンテンバイクレースとして最も有名です。その距離は100マイル、約170kmに及びます。レースでは標高4,000m以上まで登るため、数多くの上り坂が待ち構えています。このレースの最も苛酷なポイントは、高地で開催されるということです。コースの最も低い地点でも、標高3,000mの高さがあります。そのため呼吸が非常に苦しく、1型糖尿病の管理にも高地ならではの課題が生じます。
「Leadville Trail 100 MTB」を完走できたことは、サイクリングで感じる最も大きな喜びの1つです。レース中に感じた痛みは、これまでのサイクリング人生で最も強いものだったと思います。しかし、糖尿病を持ちながらも完走することができました。糖尿病管理に関してもとても難しいレースでしたが、それでも私はゴールを全力で目指し、成し遂げたのです。
糖尿病を持っていてもいなくても、「Leadville 100 MTB」を完走することは簡単ではありません。それでも私は自分自身だけのためではなく、より大きな目的のためにレースに参加できたことに感謝しています。そのおかげで私は、レースそのもの以上に、重要な目的の実現に向け努力することができました。目的とサポートを得ることは、私にとって大きな支えとなり、そのおかげで今回の挑戦を成し遂げられました。スポーツ、仕事、家族などどんなことでも、私たちが人生で立ち向かう困難は、周囲のサポートや困難に懸命に取り組める環境があれば、苦しみを乗り越えていけると私は思っています。目的とは、痛みよりも重要なものなのです。
Konnichiwa. It's Justin Morris from team Novo Nordisk here. Good day. I wanted to talk to you about a challenge that I attempted last month here in the United States.
I attempted a mountain bike race called the Leadville 100. Now, this race is, perhaps, the most famous as being the most difficult mountain bike race in the world. It goes for 100 miles, which is nearly 170 kilometers. It climbs over 4,000 meters of elevation, so that's a lot of uphill. But the hardest thing about it is it is conducted at altitude. The lowest point in the race is 3,000 meters above sea level. This makes breathing very difficult, and it makes managing type 1 diabetes a unique challenge and something I haven't attempted before.
It was very scary to undertake this challenge, but I learned a few things along the way. Doing this race for the first time in a long time, I'd done something that I'd never experienced before with my diabetes management. Starting this race, as mentioned, was very scary, but I did get to the start line. I had done my preparation. I had the support. I got to the start line. I started the race, and the pace was very speedy. I had been pushing hard for the first two, three hours of the race. I was making up good time and pretty happy with my performance. At each of the stops, we have stops where you stop for food, I had set up blood glucose testing machines with my supporter, Ben, and I'd test my blood sugar at each stop and check where I was at.
Now, this had no rhyme or reason. I was high. I was low. At each stop, it was something different. It just completely confused me. That confusion then turned into stress and the stress could affect my performance on the bike. But I kept pushing the pedals. The race went on. My performance was getting worse and worse. My blood sugar was just going crazy, and I could feel it in my legs. I wasn't having the power that I usually would have on a race like this. But I pushed through. The pain was there, but I had a few special things that helped me push through this pain. No matter what my blood sugar was, I could keep turning my legs, and I was that committed to getting to the finish line, which I did.
Making it to the finish line of the Leadville 100 was one of the sweetest feelings I'd had in cycling. The pain I experienced during the race was probably the most intense I had experienced in my whole cycling career. But doing it with diabetes was possible. It was the hardest race I had done as far as diabetes management is concerned but getting through it was possible.
It's when you are hardest hit that it is important not to quit. I pushed through. The things that got me through, number one, most importantly, was support. I had a lot of people cheering me on, through the internet, from back home, and other parts of the world. They were following my journey to that race. Then, thinking about them really encouraged me to keep pressing when I thought I couldn't turn the pedals anymore. Number two, having a good purpose. Purpose trumps all pain. Purpose can help you push through pain. Luckily, riding for this team, I just had to look down at my jersey and see, I am riding to drive change in diabetes. This is what really encouraged me to keep pressing on those pedals.
It's not easy with diabetes, it's not easy for anyone to complete the Leadville 100, but I am grateful that I got to ride for a cause that was greater than myself. I could dedicate the effort to something more important than just the race itself. Purpose and support were my two main goals, and my two main supports, they got me through that challenge. I think any challenge we face in life, whether it's in sport or whether it's in any work or family or any aspect, if you've got some good support, and I know it's out there for everyone, and you've got something to dedicate the challenge to, then you'll be able to push through the pain. Purpose is more important than pain.
Thanks for following. Please, I look forward to seeing you in Japan soon or again here online.
Twitter: @JustinMorrisTT1
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-morris-3a71b4a7/www.mindmatterscoach.com